Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Too many True King of All Calamities in Virtual World


Yuduki was going back and forth in diamond 4. 5 times we played promotion games, but no luck.

Maxx "C" has been killing me this season.

Yuduki's deck has 2 copies of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and 2 copies of Called by the Grave. So even if your opponent has 3 copies of Maxx "C" in his deck, there is a better chance of nullifying it.

Even with three Chicken Game, three Upstart Goblins, and a Performapal Popperup, the probability of having an omamori available in the first hand has increased, so it is simply bad luck.

Also, if Virtual World takes the first attack, you die.Virtual World V.F.D is just unreasonable and terrible.

More and more painful duels with no way to counteract them

Too many Virtual Worlds

Too many Virtual Worlds

Just now, I was in Virtual World for the third round in a row. The accidents are as few as Drytron used to be, and if V.F.D. goes through, it's almost the end of the world, so they are all over the place. It's just a janken game and if you take the backstage, you will be killed.

Even though it is easy to line up thanks to Lulu Qinglong, and draw with Stardust Charge Warrior and Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys, it is easy to make True King of All Calamities, and True Even after King of All Calamities is gone, Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen is still a nuisance.

This one can't trigger monster effects or has to start with cards being excluded.

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon from Ultimaya Tzolkin is also nasty, but the latest trend is to go the route of accompanying Baronne de Fleur, self-destructing True King of All Calamities with Chuche and playing Forbidden Chuche can self-destruct True King of All Calamities to avoid Forbidden Droplet, and then Baronne is lined up next to it, and next turn Shenshen pops up...hell.

Virtual World is 6 or 9 synchro, but what made Baronne is Coral Dragon and Token Collector, while others made him with Swordsoul.

Phantom Knight is also raging.

Phantom Knight is also raging

The other problem is Phantom Knight's That Grass Looks Greener, a monster that is unbeatable once That Grass Looks Greener is used, Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad, is a foretaste of what is to come. It's so bad that it's almost like losing.

Even if That Grass Looks Greener doesn't get through, the deck is compressed with Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Tour Guide From the Underworld, Danger! and others, making it a very strong lineup in many cases.

Forbidden Droplet, which I had increased to two copies to counteract Virtual World's True King of All Calamities, was useless.


That's all I wrote about Too many True King of All Calamities in Virtual World

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